I’m Pat Brothwell, a former teacher, Pennsylvania ex-pat, and current writer, marketer, and North Carolinian based in Asheville, NC. 

The topics I write about vary, but I find myself gravitating towards workplace culture, politics, power dynamics (if that wasn’t evident by these first two topics), the juxtaposition of what people say and present vs. who they are and what they do, human absurdity, and my inherent disdain for all things pickleball. That’s just a sampling, though. My favorite thing about writing is getting to explore and extrapolate about, well…anything and everything—did I, for example, think I’d take a break from writing about gun violence in the fall of 2023 to opine about my reignited love for Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce? No. But it happened. 

My non-fiction has appeared in Slate, Fast Company, The Good Men Project, The Charlotte Observer, Asheville Citizen Times, Durham Herald-Sun, and GQ.

My fiction has appeared in The Wilderness House Literary Review, Drunk Monkeys, Bookends Literary Review, a Weasel Press Anthology, and Litro Magazine.