Content writing is what I do to make a living.

In this realm, I’m not just a content writer but a content strategist, which includes helping create and oversee the pitching, production, distribution, and analysis of webinars, YouTube videos, infographics, email campaigns, social media, workflows, and higher-level strategies.

My Approach

I can say that first and foremost—and it needs to be said that I’m privileged to be able to make this particular choice—my approach to content marketing is to work with companies and brands whose mission, ethos, or products I admire and can stand behind. 

I approach content from an educational standpoint—you’re educating and providing value and thought leadership to your target audience before marketing to them. If you do your job, the marketing and nurturing come naturally (albeit with a strategic hand on the backend). While some writers may dismiss brand writing as being unable to shape any sort of bigger discourse than selling products, I disagree with that wholeheartedly and have written some content marketing pieces I’m incredibly proud of. I also think there are brands that irresponsibly use causes as a cheap sales tactic. As with anything, there’s a fine line to walk and some nuance to the conversation.

My Content Philosophy

My content philosophy is that high-intentioned, well-researched, quality content will always beat the content farm approach. Even in this new world of AI-generated content, quality content that connects with consumers and gives them something they can’t get elsewhere will always be highly valued (which is also why I think now is the time to lean into thought-leadership and unique, data-driven content AI is incapable of yet). I believe the best content is created collaboratively and based on data, not feelings (the feelings come after the data!). I believe good and lucrative don’t have to be mutually exclusive when it comes to content creation.

Selected Content Marketing Examples